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Notebook Repairs Perth by Computer Mechanics

Here in Perth we’re seeing more laptop/notebook issues every week. Warranty repairs are covered by Toshiba, Acer or whoever manufactured your laptop. Check your warranty! Some are 1 year, some like Fujitsu are two.

Here’s the important bit: cracked screens, liquid damage (spilled coffee etc) and anything to do with software is not covered under a normal warranty. If you’ve dropped your notebook or done any accidental damage (this includes throwing it up against a wall) that’s not covered.

Manufacturers are in no hurry to fix your laptop if it’s under warrantee and you will get much faster turn-around through Computer Mechanics. In fairness, manufacturers mean well, they’re just inundated. Research done by PCWorld suggests a high failure rate inside the first twelve months up to 50 percent depending on the company. Notebooks that sit at home or in one location at a business are less likely to fail than those that are dragged around, for obvious reasons. According to the survey, a third of all laptop users reported a significant hardware or software issue in the past twelve months. The most reliable PC laptops in our experience are Acer, Fujitsu and Lenovo.

Motherboards and hard drives account for most of the problems, with LCD screens and batteries also significant.

By the time they’re out of warranty we commonly see loose connections, particularly power cords and connectors. There’s an engineering issue there that still hasn’t been properly addressed. Again, the problems are easily fixed and not expensive to solve.

Note that for Sony, Dell and Asus, we can also replace hard drives, RAM, chargers, DVDs and software issues. Certain internal parts are harder for us to obtain. Try us on 9325 1196.

Toshiba, Acer, Fujitsu, Lenovo, Sony, Dell and Asus are registered trademarks and trade names of those companies. HP and Compaq are registered trademarks and trade names of HP. Computer Mechanics makes no representation that it is a licensed repair facility of any of these manufacturers.